IdeaScale also includes links to social networks and third-party sites (for example, Facebook and LinkedIn), which may then use information about your visit to target advertising to you on their websites. These cookies enable the delivery of interest-based ads that may be relevant to you as a result of your activities on IdeaScale and provide IdeaScale with information (such as where you saw the ad) to help analyze the impact of its advertising campaigns.

Marketing cookies advertise IdeaScale services to you elsewhere on the Internet. These cookies only analyze your movement within IdeaScale and are used to improve the functioning of IdeaScale services. Analytics cookies collect anonymized information about how you use the IdeaScale services, such as the IdeaScale pages you visit most frequently and the error messages you encounter. Preferences cookies personalize your experience while accessing IdeaScale by remembering your preferences, such as preferred language and region of origin. Namun, sebagian orang juga peracaya, bahwa dengan membaca surat Yasin ini, bisa menyembuhkan orang sakit, menguatkan serta menyelesaikan ujian yang sedang dihadapi dan juga mencari jodoh. Ritual yasinan ini biasanya dilakukan setiap malam jum’at, bisa juga saat peringatan hari kematian seseorang.
Non-Essential Cookies are preference, marketing, and functional cookies that help the application perform to its full extent, advertising related to the IdeaScale marketing website, and ensure the application functions properly. Budaya membaca buku yasin bagi masyarakat Indonesia masih begitu melekat hingga saat ini.